Life Relay

At inception the young mouth

 clung to the nipples

With time hands aided and

 waited  to be given 

Acceptable to lay tender head

 on solid thighs
Later growth came and the

 tree stood waiting to be worked on

 till the fruits come down

 now for the no longer solid 

but wrinkled thighs

That’s what it’s meant to be

The grown with hope set out

 to conquer and make a banquet
To the tree 

Then the wind struck 

almost like whips of cane

The rain a thousand pebbles pour down

The sun blazing red like hot coals

Jagged mountains arise 
The grown trudge on 

To feed self and the beloved old


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Broken down shattered I lay

With shame I come

Not able to manage the life you gave

….broken in and out

 Messed up in foolish wise thinking

Trying to paint it the colours

of sun through a glass….

…But… here it is… Stained…

 blurted…dark ink…black ink…


Broken pen

Torn and ragged drawing board

A mirage of pleasure

saw through the scales

What picture could scaly eyes paint
Production: stained, blurted dark ink picture

In foolish wiseness
Held it up a trophy

Some how…a shake…
Scales dropped Pride bashed
Crawling with shame

Make it new
Repaint the sunshine
Cleanse the D board
Fix the pen…
At the FEET
Lay crumpled in heap
Just speak the words

Whole again